.x. Home Page .x.
Main page

About me

 Me Mates



Face Paintings

Not alone interactive fic

Hidden secrets interactive fic

A day full of Suprises interactive fic

ma links

Guestbook /sign it plz



.x.Hey Hey .x.


This is my first acctual site .x. I do have some other site which you can find in the fav sites page .x.

This whole site is all about Busted  , Mcfly  and all my other fav bands who i love  .x.

I get called wierd  as im 20 yrs old of age and i like busted and those type of bands but i do have got friends that are older than meh .x.




^^^^.x.   Ma Shexxie Mattie  .x.^^^^




.x. Gutterland .x.

This is a picture of Gutterland dnt ask meh how i dnt go in to the other pages but ere yoo go :P

.x. Email Meh .x.

X..x..X Sharlene X..x..X